This Homelessness Awareness Week we are sharing a story of one of our young people and their journey through homelessness. MACS are honored to be able to support young people through their journeys and empowering them to survive.

MACS Floating Support consists of three services in Belfast, Lisburn and Downpatrick. We offer voluntary, flexible, person-centered holistic services to young people aged 16-25 to address homelessness or risk of homelessness and to enable them to establish and maintain interdependent living in the community.

Last year, Floating Support supported 375 young people to find or maintain their accommodation in the community.

Young people often become homeless because it’s safer to leave home than to stay. Family breakdown, mental health, welfare reform and lack of affordable housing are just some of the many reasons why youth homelessness exists.

If you need support or know someone that does please contact MACS Floating Support

#HAW18 #endyouthhomelessness

~ Ciara, Floating Support Belfast

Video by Matt, IT Support
